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A History of Homeschooling in Michigan
A History of Homeschooling in Michigan   In 1984, Information Network of Christian Homes (INCH) was founded by Dennis and Roxanne Smith, as the first Christian state homeschooling organization in Michigan. They hosted their first homeschooling conference and began homeschooling advocacy work. The DeJonge Case On September 20, 1984, Ottawa County contacted homeschooling parents Mark & Christine DeJonge to inform them they were illegally homeschooling their two young children. The DeJonges were not certified teachers and therefore were deemed in violation of the state’s compulsory attendance law. On March 28, 1985, truancy charges were filed against the DeJonges. They were convicted of violating Michigan's certification requirement for home schooling. On April 23, 1985, warrants were issued for their arrests, with charges of criminal truancy. The DeJonges contacted HSLDA who retained Michigan attorney David Kallman to defend them. Kallman introduced test scores from the DeJonge’s children, demonstrating they both scored above the 90th percentile, but the evidence was not permitted. The DeJonges were convicted and sentenced to two years’ probation, fined $200, and ordered to find certified instruction or choose public schooling. Christopher Klicka of HSLDA got a stay of sentence and appealed the case to a higher court. The Bennett Case John and Sandra Bennett were homeschooling their four children, but in 1986 they were charged with four counts of truancy during the 1985-86 school year because they were not certified teachers. The Bennetts were found guilty by the 35th District Court and fined $50 for each count. Their children were enrolled in Clonlara School (a Catholic private school in Ann Arbor, founded by Pat Montgomery). David Kallman’s Workload Increases On June 7, 1986, David Kallman won the Haines, Smolls, and Gibson vs. Runkel case where parents were originally charged with truancy, but all charges were dropped! School districts soon started sending letters to homeschoolers, asking if they were certified (to get them to admit their own guilt). HSLDA told people not to respond and used stalling tactics with school boards to avoid ending up in court. The DeJonge Case Continues Even as late as August 9, 1989, the DeJonge case was still winding its way through the courts. The Court of Appeals affirmed ruling against the DeJonges, but HSLDA appealed the case to the Michigan Supreme Court. Persecution against Homeschoolers Escalates Between 1985-1993, over 500 homeschooling families were threatened annually with prosecution. In those days, truancy officers often carried guns which made for scary home visit situations! In December 1991, four HSLDA families were threatened with arrest. In January 1992, Farris and Klicka of HSLDA filed a civil rights case (Arnett vs. Middleton) and sued the prosecutor, the superintendent, and the school district for violating homeschoolers’ civil rights! They quickly backed off! The DeJonge Case Decided On November 10, 1992, Farris argued People vs. DeJonge before the Michigan Supreme Court. The same day, Farris, Klicka and Kallman argued People v. Bennett regarding religious exemption from Compulsory Attendance. Two days later, Clonlara v. State Board of Ed. was argued in Michigan Supreme Court. On May 25, 1993, Clonlara was decided by a 4-3 vote in the Michigan Supreme Court removing the teacher certification requirement. Finally, after nearly a decade in court, the DeJonge’s previous legal convictions were reversed. God Answers Prayer The initial state Supreme Court decision was 4-3 against the DeJonges; however, the day before the decision was published, Justice Levin surprisingly told Chief Justice Cavanaugh he wanted to change his vote. He didn’t know why, but he wanted to change his vote. There had been prayer meetings all over the state for these court cases and it was clear that, “The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes” (Prov. 21:1, NKJV). MiCHN’s New Legacy Begins In 2010, Dennis and Roxanne Smith retired from their leadership role with INCH, and Michael and Kim Winter (homeschooling parents of ten and co-op leaders in Lansing) began leading the organization with their team of volunteers. In 2019, INCH was rebranded as Michigan Christian Homeschool Network (MiCHN) and became a 501-c-3 non-profit organization. You can learn more about MiCHN at   Israel Wayne is a homeschooled graduate and homeschooling father of eleven. He and his wife are founders of Family Renewal, LLC and serve on the leadership team for Michigan Christian Homeschool Network.  
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🍁We are Thankful for YOU! MiCHN Moment- Nov '23🍁
Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 As we prepare to meet with our families to celebrate God’s goodness, to us as a nation and then to our families. MiCHN would invite you to give thanks with us for His protection of homeschooling in Michigan as well. A new party controls all branches of government in our state, and while we were concerned that changes would be made to our freedom of homeschooling, that has not occurred. We give thanks for God’s kindness and protection of us. So far….. Even today, our Vice President of MiCHN is speaking with the Washington Post over the concern that Michigan does not have enough government oversight of our homeschool freedom. MiCHN resists all manner of coercion from the media or the government toward restricting our freedom to homeschool. As God commands through the writing of the Apostle Paul, we give thanks. As God commands through again through Paul, we pray. We invite you to give thanks, and we ask you to continue praying for the freedom in Michigan to instruct our children in the way they should go, the way we as their parents have determined best, for knowing Jesus as King and obeying everything He commands. Happy Thanksgiving, Mike Winter President, MiCHN     Days are set aside to give thanks...and to shop for great deals. #GivingTuesday is a day to give back! Will you give?   On Tuesday, November 28th—following Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday—we celebrate #GivingTuesday, a day that empowers people like you and me to support causes we believe in. The past few years have rocked the education community. Threats to our homeschool freedom have increased even as we struggle to face the explosive needs of the growing homeschool community.  Because of generous donations from families like yours, many families seeking help this year were equipped and encouraged. Together, we can make a powerful impact on the future of homeschooling.  Will you partner with us to take a stand for homeschool freedom? Yes, Here's my #GivingTuesday gift.   With your support—and the Lord's help—we can continue to monitor school board meetings, build bridges with those the Lord has placed in our government, monitor legislation, and inspire and equip parents on their homeschool journey. Your gift will make a difference.    Donate HERE Legislative Update What a legislative season it has been! If you have not been keeping up with things here in Lansing, you have missed quite the ride. Lansing has been a bustling city of activity as the current majority has pushed through every desired piece of legislation they wanted in record timing, giving little room for any debate or discussion in either chamber. With that said, I am relieved to report to you that home education remains completely free of any regulations at this time in the great state of Michigan. On Thursday, November 9, 2023, the 2023 legislature passed a resolution to adjourn sine die today at noon, effectively ending the legislative session for 2023. (This is the earliest the legislature has adjourned in 55 years.) By this, we are guaranteed to maintain our current freedoms, at least through the end of the calendar year; likely through the end of this school year. With that in mind, please be sure to reach out to your local state officials and thank them for their work, wish them well over the holiday break, and seek to pray with them and for them. You can find out who your state legislators are by visiting HERE for your state representative and HERE for your state senator.   We will continue to monitor legislation as it is introduced in committees when the legislators return to Lansing in January, 2024.   These are quite uncertain times. Right now, MICHN would advise you to make sure your account is up to date and accurate with Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Be sure to visit their website, and if you have not done so already, BECOME A MEMBER today.   What's happening at MICHN   Copyright © 2022 MICHN, All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: 4407 W St. Joseph Hwy Lansing, MI 48917
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National Homeschool Day of Prayer 2023
    Friday, November 3, 2023 5th Annual National Homeschool Day of Prayer   Join homeschool families across the nation and the world in a special day of prayer.    Follow the Homeschool Freedom Facebook page for hourly prayer prompts starting at 10:00 AM (EDT), special guests throughout the day, and more. This annual event takes place the first Friday of November.    FREE ACTIVITY GUIDE Download the free activity guide and print copies for each of your children to enjoy the activity and coloring pages throughout the day and beyond. Learn More HERE         A Heritage of Prayer in our Nation Prayer has great significance for us as a nation as we follow in our founding fathers’ footsteps and seek the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. This is a call for us to humbly come before God and seek His guidance and grace for our individual lives and our nation. Paul offers some encouragement.  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Phil. 4:6-7 Early Americans knew God’s word and the power of prayer, and their letters and diaries show us that they regularly prayed for wise leaders who would protect the people’s rights, for the strength to do their jobs well, and for wisdom to raise children who would honor God and become good citizens. Prayer is a vital part of the heritage of our nation.    Public Prayer In 1775, the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom as they discussed the birth of a new nation. The call to prayer has continued throughout our history as President Lincoln proclaimed a day of “humiliation, fasting, and prayer” in 1863.  Then in 1952, Congress passed a joint resolution that President Truman signed declaring an annual national day of prayer.  A few decades later, the Supreme Court affirmed the right of state legislatures to open their sessions with prayer in Marsh vs. Chambers (1983). Now there have been more than 1,526 state and federal calls for national prayer since 1775.   Homeschoolers Pray Just as early Americans sought God in prayer concerning private and public matters, so too homeschoolers must seek God as we are faced with challenging times in our nation and our homes.  God has richly blessed homeschoolers in America, giving us the freedom to raise and teach our children as we see fit. But this freedom doesn’t come with a lifetime guarantee. It was fought for and prayed for by courageous pioneer homeschoolers, and to keep it will require vigilance on our part. Let us follow in their footsteps as we continue to pray for and protect homeschool freedom across our nation. As homeschoolers, we fill so many different roles in our families, churches, and communities. The responsibilities can be overwhelming. Paul tells us in Romans 12:12, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” God hears our prayers for our families and children, and He is faithful and merciful.   The Homeschool Community Prays Homeschoolers may be known for their individuality, but we know how to come together to support, protect, and pray for what’s important!  Join us this Friday, November 3 as we pray for homeschooling across the nation and the globe. Prayer is powerful! Don’t miss this event!   Do you have a unique promotion idea?  Do you want to help with future National Homeschool Day of Prayer events?  Let us know!
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Prayer, Surrender, & Freedom! MiCHN Moment- Oct'23
Mark your calendar and make plans to pray with us Friday, November 3, 2023 for this year's National Homeschool Day of Prayer!   PLEASE JOIN US AND OTHER HOMESCHOOLERS ACROSS THE COUNTRY AS WE: Give thanks for the freedom we have to homeschool our children, Pray for homeschooling families in your own nation and around the world, Pray for upcoming elections and the impact they may have on homeschooling, Pray for your state’s homeschool organization and its leaders. Pray for your elected officials to recognize that the education of children is the responsibility of the parents, not that of the nation, Pray for your own family—your homeschooling journey and the Lord’s guidance as you take that journey, your relationships with one another, your own children and their futures, as well as seeking ways your family can minister to others, Rejoice in God’s mercy and His faithfulness in all things. Keep an eye out for a Free activity guide - interactive worksheets & more Facebook updates.      A Surrendered Homeschool Do you struggle with fears and insecurities in your homeschool? Do you fret about your child's education or future?   Homeschooling is important work! As parents, we face many decisions about curriculum, extra-curricular activities, and the unique needs of each of our children. It can feel overwhelming. Yet, God, the Creator of our children and the giver of all good gifts, calls and equips us to homeschool. He invites us to steward this responsibility by surrendering our fears, anxieties, and children at the foot of the cross. At the cross we exchange fear for the perfect peace that comes through the finished work of Jesus. It is easy to become distracted by the world's standards and systems of achievement. We can take comfort that God has good plans for each of our children. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5 Hannah demonstrated a heart posture of surrender - "For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the LORD. As long as he lives, he is lent to the LORD." 1 Samuel 1:27-28 Our best plans for our children pale in comparison with God's plans for them. The safest place for them is in the perfect will of God. We only need to seek Him for direction. "Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will do this." Psalm 37:3-5 We have freedom in Christ to homeschool with joy! Ann Troast  Founder of Four Square Community & Creator of Without Doors Curriculum     Find Ann's Bible Study Resources HERE     Day at the Dome (DATD)! We. had. an. amazing. day! Thank you to our POWERFUL Keynote speaker & friend, Amy J. Hawkins! God continued to bless us with all the Senators, Representatives, and Legislatures that came out to speak and support our Homeschool freedoms.  We were able to come together to celebrate our homeschooling journey, learn about Michigan's rich history, and embrace the precious freedoms we hold dear. Don't miss this next year! It is a place for our homeschooling community to stand strong and show Michigan that freedom is a gift worth treasuring. The right to homeschool here in Michigan was earned by homeschooling families like yours, spending their time getting to know their legislators and vice versa. In order for these rights to continue, our generation must continue doing what the pioneers of home education did: build bridges with our legislators. This is, perhaps, the most important generation to take up that cause. Save the date for next year!  Find Next Year's Date HERE   Building Bridges and Defending Freedom We have put together a list of ideas for you and your family, in order to help connect with your local legislators. By doing so, you will build bridges and tear down barriers. You will help create a positive relationship between the homeschool community and our legislature. If you make the time, you will earn their confidence and be given the opportunity to converse with them about issues that are important to you, despite their political persuasion. Here are some ideas to help you get started: 1. Figure out who represents you in Lansing. a. State Representative CLICK HERE b. State Senator Locator CLIK HERE 2. Write a letter introducing yourself and your family. In the letter thank them for all their hard work and service to the people of Michigan. Tell them you are praying for them and ask if they have any specific prayer requests. If they share a request, be sure to follow up with a ‘Thinking of You Note’ and see how they are doing. 3. Visit them in their local district office or in Lansing. Many legislators set aside certain times in their districts to meet with their constituents, that’s you. Many of these are labeled as “coffee hours.” Attend these coffee hour breaks and engage in a respectful conversation with them. Let them get to know you. 4. Send cards of encouragement throughout the year. The beginning of their term, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all great opportunities to thank them for their service. 5. Invite them to homeschooling events in your area. Picnics, programs, graduations, concerts, etc. Let your local legislator SEE the opportunities homeschool families have. 6. Consider volunteering in their office or on their campaign. If they share your values, offer your time to help. Homeschoolers can assist with mailings, phone calls, placing yard signs, distributing literature door-to-door, marching in local parades, etc. God has blessed the homeschoolers in Michigan because of the relationship-building that has gone on for many years between homeschooling families and our legislators. For decades, there have been firewalls in both the House and Senate Education Committees, men and women who have stood strong for our homeschooling freedoms, because they know us and trust us. This is no longer the case. In all things, we must acknowledge the Lord’s sovereignty. Proverbs 21:1 “The King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water, He turns it wherever He wishes.” Our state is in God's hands. Let’s build bridges, not barriers with those the Lord has placed in our government. Then trust him to do the rest as he wills. God bless your homeschool family as you continue to trust Him in all you do. -Your MiCHN Legislative Team   MiCHN remains opposed to any and all government funding for homeschooling. Today, our Vice President, Israel Wayne will be representing MiCHN at a panel discussion in Grand Rapids on school choice hosted by Great Lakes Education Project (GLEP). MiCHN was invited as a guest to help make people aware of home education as an education option in our state. Israel's participation in the event is to help bring a greater awareness to homeschooling and should not in any way be seen as MiCHN supporting or endorsing the views of any other panelists or hosting organizations regarding their thoughts about government-funding options for homeschoolers. MiCHN is resolute on this issue and has not changed in any way regarding their commitment to support only privately-funded options for home education in Michigan. One of the most pressing issues in many states right now is the issue of “School Choice.” Israel has written an amazing blog HERE, to break down the points that are vital for us to consider. These are quite uncertain times. Right now, MICHN would advise you to make sure your account is up to date and accurate with Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Be sure to visit their website, and if you have not done so already, BECOME A MEMBER today. What's happening at MICHN
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Day at the Dome Info is HERE! MICHN Moment-Sept'23
2 Timothy 2.1-4, commands I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.   Day at the Dome is a MiCHN critical event. We must pray for our government leaders in obedience to God's command and demonstrate our commitment to their welfare while entreating them and the Almighty for continual blessing on our freedom to disciple our children at home.   Freedom to disciple our children at home through home education was only codified into our law in December 1995, not even thirty years ago. Hard work, pain, and many prayers led to God's movement of Michigan Supreme Court Justices and State Legislators to open the door for Christian parents to disciple their children at home full-time without government hassle or interference.   We must continue to pray. We must continue to work. Failure means some will suffer again for defying the law of men to obey God's command to train up our children in His way that they should go. I invite you to keep praying, join us for prayer, and show our legislators our commitment to freedom, home discipleship, and their welfare on October 4th.   Mike Winter President, MiCHN     Join Us for a Day of Learning, Faith, Family Fun, and Freedom: Homeschooling 'Day At The Dome' Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day of learning, faith, family fun, and the celebration of homeschooling in Michigan. Register HERE The Day At The Dome Experience: Let's delve into the exciting lineup of activities that await you and your family: 1. Field Trips Around Lansing: Explore the vibrant city of Lansing as we embark on field trips to fascinating destinations. From historical landmarks to hidden gems, you'll get a taste of the rich tapestry of our state's capital. You can easily download this app from Choose Lansing and get a digital passport to special stops around the capitol of Michigan. Simply click HERE and scroll down to the bottom where you'll find your Greater Lansing Experience Pass. Within the app you'll find discounts and more to some pretty fun places! Please note these field trips will be self-guided and are not pre-planned. Attend as many and as few as you'd like! 2. Guided Capitol Building Tours: Step inside the majestic Capitol building and uncover its secrets. Our guided tours will take you through the halls of democracy, where you'll learn about Michigan's history and the legislative process.  3. Legislative Visits: Engage in meaningful discussions with lawmakers and gain insight into the legislative workings of our state. Your voice matters, and this is your chance to be an active participant in the democratic process. 4. Self -Guided Prayer Walk: Join us in a heartfelt prayer walk around the Capitol grounds. It's a moment of reflection, unity, and gratitude as we seek God for HIS guidance for our homeschooling journey, the future of our children and our state. Find Prayer Walk HERE. 5. Rally at the Steps: We will start our time gathering with fellow homeschooling families on the steps of the Capitol for a Homeschool rally. Feel the energy and camaraderie as we celebrate Homeschooling and the freedoms we hold dear. See full schedule HERE.   A FREE Michigan Unit Study Plan: But the excitement doesn't stop with the event itself. As a special gift to you, we're offering a free 5-day Michigan Unit study plan. This comprehensive plan covers four key areas: History: Delve into the captivating history of Michigan, from Native American cultures to the industrial revolution and beyond. Geography: Explore Michigan's diverse landscapes, from the Great Lakes to rolling hills and bustling cities. Science: Discover the wonders of Michigan's natural world, from its abundant wildlife to geological marvels. Civics: Understand the principles of democracy, citizenship, and civic responsibility that are at the core of our state and nation. By the end of this 5-day journey, not only will your kids have a deeper understanding of Michigan, but they'll also be filled with awe and pride for our state, as well as thankfulness to God for the freedoms we enjoy. Click HERE to get yours:)    See our great lineup of speakers for Day at the Dome (DATD)!  Let's take a moment to reflect on the precious freedom we enjoy as homeschooling families in Michigan. Our right to educate our children at home is a treasure, one that previous generations have fought to secure. As we gather for "Day At The Dome," let's remember that freedom is not free, and it's our responsibility to cherish and protect it for the generations to come. Keynote Speaker: Amy J. Hawkins:  Visit Amy J. Hawkins' Website Amy J. Hawkins is a visionary in her field, and her words have the power to ignite change and innovation. But that's not all! Our event is packed with influential voices that are shaping the future of our nation: Representative Jaime Greene   Explore Representative Jaime Greene's Insights Representative Luke Meerman   Discover More About Representative Luke Meerman Senator Lana Theis   Meet Senator Lana Theis Senator Ruth Johnson   Get to Know Senator Ruth Johnson     These are quite uncertain times. Right now, MICHN would advise you to make sure your account is up to date and accurate with Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Be sure to visit their website, and if you have not done so already, BECOME A MEMBER today. What's happening at MICHN      
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Back to Homeschool MICHN Moment-August 2023
Isaiah 38.19 records, The living person, the living person, he gives you thanks, as I do today. A father tells his sons about Your faithfulness. Why do we homeschool? While a plethora of reasons exists, for my house, it has become to be the primary influencer in our children's lives so that they want to follow Jesus in obedience to all of His commands for all their lives. Influencing our children rather than having them become influenced by a secular world is why many choose to homeschool over public school. Time determines relationship, and relationship determines influence. Whoever has the most time with our children will have the relationship that influences our children the most. In our household, we want the most time with our children to have the greatest relationship, creating the most influence upon our children. Hezekiah came to this same conclusion almost too late. He had received a death sentence, but his brokenhearted plea for mercy to Almighty God resulted in a fifteen-year extension of his life. In our verse today, Hezekiah admits that his most important work is to educate his children about God. Those of us who have chosen to homeschool have already reached Hezekiah's conclusion. Our most important work is to get our children into the kingdom of heaven. Homeschooling provides us with the best vehicle for facilitating that journey. God's blessings on your upcoming homeschool year. Mike Winter MiCHN President     Check out this amazing article about the conversion of a former associate of Richard Dawkins! Homeschooling and a Cowboy Church Lead a Former Associate of Richard Dawkins to Christ!     Back to Homeschool! Are you ready? Let's get your 'back to school' started on the right foot.  Get Connected: Find an experienced homeschooling mom (or dad!) near you. Ask all the questions!  Check out our list of groups in Michigan HERE (You can also add your group to this list.)  Other ways to get connected, 5 Simple Tips for Making Homeschool Friends.  Pray:  Pray and ask the Lord for wisdom. There are SOO many good options out there, but we need the Lord's direction in selecting activities, books, co-ops, sports, and the list goes on. Pray about your "Why". As Mike told us above, know your WHY! Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Know the Laws:  Learn HERE the simple requirements in Michigan, so you can homeschool with confidence.  Curriculum:  ***We have a great Homeschooling Planner all set for your 2023-2024 year.*** Check out our HUGE list of all things for your homeschool curriculum. More Tips for a New Homeschool Year.  AND take this wonderful opportunity to read/learn the Bible together and pray together.  Cultivating Critical Thinking for Homeschoolers Using the Bible Scripture Memory Work Get Excited: Celebrate that you get to do this together!  First Day of Homeschool Ideas! 25 Fun & Exciting Ideas for Back To Homeschool Fun ways to Celebrate Back to Homeschool    SEA LIFE MICHIGAN: HOMESCHOOL WEEK September 25-29, 2023 Sea Life Michigan has their Homeschool Week coming up in September! Be sure to mark your calendars and enjoy a day (or two) with your family at a discounted rate!  MICHN exists to continue the fight for homeschool freedom in Michigan. It is our goal to connect homeshool groups across the state with one another, to be the portal where you get the lastest updates, ideas, and attend events. Be sure to visit our website and become a member today. FAITH. FAMILY. FREEDOM.     Michael Farris - We Are Americans     These are quite uncertain times. Right now, MICHN would advise you to make sure your account is up to date and accurate with Homeschool Legal Defense Association. Be sure to visit their website, and if you have not done so already, BECOME A MEMBER today. What's happening at MICHN       Our mailing address is: 4407 W St. Joseph Hwy Lansing, MI 48917  
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INCH 2023 Was a GREAT Success!😁
INCH Conference 2023 is in the books!     What a wonderful and blessed time we all had at the 2023 INCH Conference. This year, we marked 40 years of Michigan homeschoolers coming together and worshiping God. It is our prayer that you left Lansing feeling encouraged, inspired, and remembering why you decided to homeschool. If you were unable to join us, we are sorry you missed such a blessed weekend. Congratulations once again to Vicki Girard, 2023 recipient of the Marcia Holmes Memorial Award. Vicki has overcome many obstacles and challenges, yet has persevered in the face of tragedy and continues to pour into the homeschool community around her. THANK YOU, Vicki. May God continue to give you strength and courage as you walk this path with Him.  Our Young Entrepreneur Fair was a HUGE hit! We had so many amazing items kids made and built so they could sell them. They learned many things through this opportunity. Thank you to all the parents who helped make this possible for our very young business men and women. The College and Career Fair was bustling with activity this year. We had over 30 colleges and career opportunities ready and available for students to talk with. It was a great time of exploring all the options students across the state of Michigan have as they prepare for future endeavors. What a wonderful line up of speakers we had this year! Everyone who attended the conference had some very hard decisions to make as they chose which breakout sessions they'd like to attend. The exhibitor halls were packed with activity and the new setup this year gave many people a chance to peruse on a more consistent basis as they went from one breakout session to the next.  What a joy our Family Night was on Friday as well. We had a great keynote address from Todd Wilson followed up by a fantastic and hilarious performance by Bob Cates from Comedy in Motion. It was such a joy to sit back and laugh with all those who were able to be there. Mark your calendar for the 3rd weekend of May in 2024 and plan to be with us next year!! **For those who attended the INCH Conference this year, be on the lookout for our conference survey. The link for that survey will be sent out in a separate email. We'd love for you to take a few moments and give us your feedback as we begin planning for INCH 2024!**   Conference Recordings Available. If you were unable to join with us in person, you have the opportunity to purchase all the sessions here. MiCHN 2023 COMPLETE Convention Set: $79.00 Individual Sessions: $4.00   A huge THANK YOU to all of this year's conference sponsors! Without you, this annual event would not be possible. Thank you for all your contributions and support. The homeschoolers of Michigan appreciate you!
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Time is Running Out......grab your INCH tickets fast!🕗
WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AT INCH! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: It is officially CONFERENCE WEEK! You can click HERE and download this year's program ahead of time! Within those pages and below you are going to find all you need to know to navigate INCH 2023 confidently. Most importantly, if you have not yet purchased your INCH Conference tickets, you want to do so before the prices go up. You have until 11:59 TONIGHT (MONDAY, 5/15) to purchase your conference tickets at reduced prices.  Full 3 Day All-Access Conference Pass- $60.00  Thursday Only Pass- $25.00 TLC Teen Program- $65.00 (LAST CHANCE to sign up your teens!) Children's Non-program Pass- $15.00 Beginning Tuesday morning, the ticket prices will be as follows through the remainder of the conference: Full 3 Day All-Access Conference Pass- $70.00  Thursday Only Pass- $30.00 Friday Only Pass- $45.00 Saturday Only Pass- $25.00 Children's Program (Giant Cow/Giant Calf) tickets are no longer available online but will be sold at the door as long as space allows- Thurs-Sat-$70/Child Fri-Sat-$60/Child Children's Non-program Pass-$15.00 FRIDAY FAMILY FUN NIGHT ONLY PASS-$10/person or $20.00/Family             **Please note: Friday Family Fun Night tickets can be purchased online ahead of time but at the door, cash and/or Venmo payment are preferred.**     Used Curriculum Sale! Thursday, May 18, 2023 2pm - 6pm Mount Hope Church, Creyts Rd, Lansing, MI in the Event Center Sellers!  You still have time to list your used curriculum until 8am Thursday morning, May 18th! All the information and instructions are here: Shoppers:  Please join us on Thursday from 2pm - 6pm to shop the largest used curriculum sale in the state!!  Come find what you need for next year at majorly discounted prices-- everything conveniently sorted by subject matter and grade-level for your ease and shopping pleasure! :)  We'll have over 14,000+ square feet filled with gently used curriculum for you to browse through.      Four ways to enter the sale:     1.  Purchase a conference all-access pass.      2.  Purchase a family pass for Thursday events only.     3.  List curriculum to sell.  All sellers receive 1 free pass to the sale. (Other Thursday events not included with this pass)     4.  Volunteer to help at the sale.  All volunteers enter the sale at 1pm for free (other Thursday events not included with this pass)   We are blessed to have The Growing Roots leading us in praise and worship for the entirety of the INCH Conference.    Thursday 5/18/23 We are kicking things off quickly on Thursday with an extremely full day. We'll have our Leadership Summit for any and all potential, current, or future leaders in the homeschool community-- or anyone interested in hearing an update from MiCHN leadership, elected officials, and INCH speakers on legal and legislative issues at both the state and national levels! Thursday will also feature quite a bit for your children. Be sure to bring your kids to participate in the Hands-on Fair from 9am-12noon, and also take a stroll through our Young Entrepreneur Expo in the afternoon from 2:00-5:00pm. Teens have a lot going on Thursday! We have 35 colleges, ministries, & post-high school opportunities ready to greet your student at the College and Career Fair from 12:00-3:00pm. During the morning, we also have a free opportunity for any student in 10th grade or older to take the ASVAB Career Exploration Assessment! Please be sure to click here and fill out the form to register separately for your student to take the ASVAB. Teens also have the opportunity to participate in our Teen Leadership Corps through Unbound where your teen will learn leadership skills, the joy of serving, and build relationships to last -- BUT MUST BE REGISTERED BY MONDAY, 5/15, AT MIDNIGHT. Thursday afternoon is the big Used Curriculum Sale!! (see details above) We'll be finishing off Thursday evening with a wonderful opening keynote session that will include most of our speakers for the weekend! Come meet them all, hear their hearts, and catch a glimpse of what the rest of the weekend will hold as they each give us a TED-Talk style introduction.    Friday 5/19/23 Friday is definitely going to be a day full of activities. We will begin with worship and devotional time in the sanctuary, led by Israel Wayne from Family Renewal at 8:30 am.  The exhibit hall officially opens up Friday morning at 9:15 am!  We'll have 4 breakout sessions, a keynote session from Wil and Meeke Addison from Airing the Addisons. Plus, there will be even more opportunities for our Teen Leadership Corps.  Friday evening will conclude with our scheduled Family Fun Night which will be featuring Todd Wilson from Familyman Ministries and the award-winning Christian comedian Bob Cates from Comedy in Motion.   Saturday 5/20/23 Saturday will round out the INCH Conference with even more treats! The Exhibit Hall will once again be open for everyone to shop. We'll have two special sessions Saturday morning. One will be for moms with our Moms and Muffins, which will be featuring Phylicia Masonheimer from Every Woman a Theologian. Dads will also have a special session Saturday morning for Dads and Donuts. This session will be featuring MiCHN President Mike Winter, author of "Man Up!"  We'll also be having our final breakout session Saturday morning. Right after the breakout session, we will have our Regional Meet-ups so you can be sure to not leave the conference without having met someone from around your home area. This part of the conference is so important as we need to make sure to kindle the relationships with those immediately around us. So look for the Regional Meetup signs in the sanctuary of the church as we head into our final keynote address with Todd Wilson.  It will also be during this time that we hold our "Buy it Here!" drawing.        Register